A site is the place where you provide your service. On A4ord, the site is like your profile, it is visible for your customers online.
You can add several sites if you provide services in different places around the city or even around the country.
To see all your sites, go to your Profile:
On the left, you can see a list of all your sites and the ‘Add new location’ button.
1. Adding a new Site
To add a new Site, click on ‘Add new location’.
On this page, you will need to add the following information.
1. Site details:
- Site name
- Description – what you do, how you differentiate from the others, what is the price range?
- Experience – how many years the location has been operating
2. Address and service radius.
The service radius is especially useful if you provide your services at the buyer’s. By adding a service radius you can make sure that only people who live in your area will want to book your service.
If your Site address is different from your business address, please enter the address of your site.
3. Schedule
- You can add an individual schedule for each day. If you do not work on a particular day, like the weekend, just remove the check mark in front of the day.
- Public holidays. If you check this option all the public holidays will be automatically marked as non-working days in your availability calendar.
- Lunch break. If you check this option, you can set a time slot for your daily lunch break, that will be marked as not available in your appointment calendar automatically.
- Custom non-working days. You can add any custom non-working days. These days won’t be available for booking.
4. Vides, photos, and certificates
- Upload pictures and videos that will give your potential customer a better idea about the location.
- Upload licenses, certificates, and other documents that prove your qualifications. You can upload videos with file size up to 100 Mb, up to 40 images with file size up to 5 Mb each, or up to 40 PDF files with file size up to 5 Mb each.
When you are done adding information about the location, click ‘Save changes’.
This is how your Site should look like when you have added all necessary information.
After you have added your Site, it is time to add your services.
Editing Locations
If you click on the location name, you will see all the location details that you added when creating the location. To edit the location, click the button ‘Edit Location’.
After you finish editing, remember to save the changes by clicking ‘Save changes’.
Deleting Sites
To delete a Site, click on its name, then click on the three dots and select ‘Delete location’.